Function associateAccountToChainArgs

  • Builds the parameters for an extrinsic to link the account to the did where the fees and deposit are covered by some third account. This extrinsic must be authorized using the same full DID. Note that in addition to the signing account and DID used here, the submitting account will also be able to dissolve the link via reclaiming its deposit!


    An array of parameters for api.tx.didLookup.associateAccount that must be DID-authorized by the full DID used.


    • accountAddress: string

      Address of the account to be linked.

    • did: DidUri

      Full DID to be linked.

    • sign: ((encodedLinkingDetails: `0x${string}`) => Promise<Uint8Array>)

      The sign callback that generates the account signature over the encoded (DidAddress, BlockNumber) tuple.

        • (encodedLinkingDetails: `0x${string}`): Promise<Uint8Array>
        • Parameters

          • encodedLinkingDetails: `0x${string}`

          Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

    • nBlocksValid: number = 10

      The link request will be rejected if submitted later than (current block number + nBlocksValid)?

    Returns Promise<AssociateAccountToChainResult>